My Journey

These sort of diary entries are collections of my thoughts reflecting on how my creative side has grown over the years.

What started as merely an experiment in 2017 has become my monthly tradition, now covering the majority of my creative journey.

Like small little time capsules, I open them every once in a while to remind me how change happens regardless of expectations; slowly but steadily over a large span of time.

 I want to share them with you if you are truly curious to know how I developed as an artist and hopefully, they can inspire you to also keep a journal of reflection of sorts.

Reflection #18 - March + April 19
Hello everyone!  It’s time for another monthly reflection, after one...
Reflection #17 - February 19
Hmpf. Who guessed it, I got short on time just like February does.  Well what...
Reflection #16 - January 19
Another month in another year, I welcome you back to my monthly reflections –...
Annual Reflection #1 - 2018
Hello and I greet every one of you to my very first annual reflection here on DeviantArt....
Reflection #15 - November 18
What? Is it there already?  No, winter is still not here. But The end of the...
Reflection #14 - October 18
Boo!  Hehehe… I greet and welcome you to this month’s reflection,...
Reflection #13 - September 18
Hello there!  I welcome you to this month’s reflection. That month that...
Reflection #12 - August 18
Dammit, what day is it?!  Crap! I didn’t think my wonderful holidays...
Reflection #11 - July 18
Hello hello hello! I welcome you to July’s Monthly Reflection! This one went...
Reflection #10 - June 18
Good day to all of you and I welcome you to yet another monthly reflection, this...
Reflection #9 - May 18
Good day to all of you and I welcome you to yet another monthly reflection, this...
Reflection #8 - April 18
Hey there! Must’ve been two or three weeks since I’m back on this...
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