My Journey

These sort of diary entries are collections of my thoughts reflecting on how my creative side has grown over the years.

What started as merely an experiment in 2017 has become my monthly tradition, now covering the majority of my creative journey.

Like small little time capsules, I open them every once in a while to remind me how change happens regardless of expectations; slowly but steadily over a large span of time.

 I want to share them with you if you are truly curious to know how I developed as an artist and hopefully, they can inspire you to also keep a journal of reflection of sorts.

Reflection #62 - April 23
Oh my, how to start this one, let me see… It really is a very fitting day...
Reflection #61 - March 23
A very warmthy welcome! I meant to write this one yesterday but it kinda slipped...
Reflection #60 - February 23
Phew, I can tell you, 8 days ago, I wouldn’t have thought my week would end...
Reflection #59 - December + January 23
So, I literally forgot that yesterday, January ended – I totally lost track...
Annual Reflection #5 - 2022
Revisiting the happenings of last year and to come out positively is rather hard...
Reflection #58 - November 22
Yet again I was counting to the day to write another month in reflection and the...
Reflection #57 - October 22
Good evening and Happy Halloween! I’m writing on behalf of a good mood today...
Reflection #56 - September 22
I must say I’m very happy today. Looking back now, it kinda surprised me...
Reflection #55 - August 22
I‘m sitting on the terrace of our holiday apartment, having a small meal and waiting...
Reflection #54 - July 22
Oh wow what a month! I have been looking through the reflection from a year ago...
Reflection #53 - June 22
Ah I once again stand right before the end of the semester; exams and deadlines are...
Reflection #52 - May 22
Alright, this time I’m pretty sure someone robbed me of one or two weeks at...
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