Reflection #23 – September 19

Hello again!

 September was… odd. I can’t really say why. It was a cluster f different moods coming from all kinds of directions. I got lived in faster than I had hoped for and I built an infrequent routine. I will take a look on something that will help me count the days, a calendar is already on my list but I’ll try an app that was recommended to me called daylio. I will try it for the upcoming month and give you my quick feedback about it in next month’s reflection.

The month has been rather uneventful, but I guess video games taking up a good portion of my time as new interesting stuff came out that kept me occupied. At the very least, it got me occupied and I never have the feeling that I wouldn’t do anything useful with my time… spending time with fun… I can’t say that would be a waste :D What’s your standpoint to that? I think I wanna make a poll out of that in the near future.

 Anyway, before I bore you off, let’s quickly get to my artworks this month.


Kleo – Embrace the Darkness [Gift]

My first project this month that I was carrying over the end of August is dedicated to my inspiring friend marcioo9 who had birthday the day it was released. It was a tight release window but I turned out to be finished a day before so I could experiment some more with the background until I came up with this harsh black and white and her nametag in the centre that casts this brutal shadow across the back. I usually don’t do strong contrasts like this so this is certainly an exception to my style. However, the figure itself – kleo, who I wanted to draw before – was done rather nicely. I chose the pose over doing that myself with my jacket until I left with this pose that was both intimidating and strong without looking aggressive, what I thought her personality would be anyway ^v^. But as usual, this isn’t perfect and I should have gone over her belly muscles once more as I forgot to add her skin tissue between her abs… talking about the downside of cell-shading.

Zavi – Reference Sheet

Now talking about the elephant in the room. My long foreseen reference sheet of my beloved character Zavi. And I owe this one more to myself than to any of you, because I was fiddling around and around over the past year since I first brought her on canvas to finally have a reference sheet, for you, for me, so I can leave her in design peace xD

 But seriously, I really like how it turned out and it reflects my deep motivation with this project. Two weeks of everyday drawing, somewhat more than my schedule is nowadays. Some days were spent with steaming heads, others with joy over my progress. And I’m proud of what I’ve done. I think this design and layout of a reference sheet is my go-to example of how I might approach this kind of project in the future. 

Sadly what followed this project was almost two weeks of burnout. I admit that I’d have enough time to work out a third project but my motivation wasn’t in the best place to start one. I stuck with smaller projects like my relaxing image and the request box which already has attracted a lot of requests and a few interesting concepts that will have to be ‘out-imagined’ someday ^v^

Upcoming Stuff & Preplanning

Right now I don’t have so much time. My cat is there to visit and I want to be there for her. Yet I have another ‘secret’ thing going on that I hope will be able to finish in time. Sometime in late October, I plan on preparing my promised artwork of Axel’s apartment which will be holding the winner’s entry of my 500 watchers contest. And in the meantime I’ll try to think spooky and do something Halloween or horror related. And I bet there was something else that just slipped my mind… but whatever, we’ll see.

Artist Shoutout

 Pwnage Spartan:

This lovely, bright-headed Indonesian got me by the astoundingly solid pose work. With best interest to make his characters look lively and involved in their surroundings; his scenic artworks have a very realistic tone to them, as if to catch modern life as simple as it gets: a simple day at the park or in an alley, a trip to the sea or to disneyland, they all feel natural

 Silas Agnostos:

If you are a fan of deeply emotional writing or artistic imagery regarding characters, I shall highly recommend you their profile.

I wish you all a spooky and upmost enjoyable Halloween this year!

 I’ll hopefully see you right after it.



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